FAQ for Brake Master Cylinder Repair
Q: How do you disassemble the master cylinder?
You can remove the brake master cylinder, remove the reservoir cap and diaphragm, the master cylinder reservoir, the primary piston assembly, and the secondary piston.
By BobGM Specialist
08/04/2022 Q: How do you install the master cylinder reservoir?
You can install the lubricated seals, install the reservoir to the master cylinder and install the master cylinder to the vehicle.
By BobGM Specialist
07/04/2022 Q: How do you install the master cylinder?
First, bench bleed the master cylinder, install the master cylinder to the vacuum brake booster and install the master cylinder mounting nuts. Next, remove the plugs from the brake pipes, connect the brake pipes to the master cylinder, connect the electrical connector to the brake fluid level sensor and bleed the brake system.
By OmarGM Specialist
07/04/2022 Q: What is the recommended type of brake fluid when adding fluid to the brake master cylinder reservoir?
The recommended type of brake fluid is only Delco Supreme 11(R), GM P/N 12377967 (Canadian P/N 992667), or equivalent DOT 3 brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluid container.
By BobGM Specialist
02/04/2022 Q: What is the removal procedure for the master cylinder reservoir?
The procedure is to remove the following: the master cylinder, the brake fluid level sensor, the reservoir, and the seals.
By BobGM Specialist
31/03/2022 Q: What is the removal procedure for the master cylinder?
First, disconnect the electrical connector, disconnect the brake pipes and plug the open brake pipe ends. Next, remove the master cylinder mounting nuts, remove the master cylinder and drain the master cylinder reservoir of all brake fluid.
By OmarGM Specialist
31/03/2022 Q: What should be done if the brake fluid level is at or below the half-full point during routine fluid checks?
You should inspect the brake system for wear or brake fluid leaks. If the inspection doesn't reveal wear or brake fluid leaks, the brake fluid may be topped off up to the maximum-fill level.
By OmarGM Specialist
30/03/2022 Q: What should be ensured after adding fluid to the brake master cylinder reservoir?
You need to ensure that the ends of the transparent hoses running into the master cylinder reservoir are fully submerged in the brake fluid.
By BobGM Specialist
30/03/2022 See more FAQs (3)