Part Description: 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt Radial Seal Air Filter
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Vehicle Fitment
2007 Chevrolet Cobalt | All Trims | 4 Cyl 2.0L
FAQ for Air Filter Repair
Q: What is the proper way to install the air cleaner element?
The proper way is to install the air cleaner filter, the air cleaner cover, the air cleaner housing cover screws, and the air cleaner assembly.
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: What is the removal procedure for the air cleaner element?
The procedure is to remove the air cleaner assembly, the air cleaner cover, and the air cleaner filter.
By Bob
GM Specialist
FAQ for Other Repair Info
Q: What is the procedure for cleaning the throttle body?
The procedure is to remove the Throttle Body, open the throttle valve, remove dirt or carbon deposits/buildup, and then inspect that the throttle valve operates smoothly and freely.
Q: What is the proper way to install the manifold absolute pressure sensor?
The proper way is to install the TMAP Sensor, and then connect the TMAP sensor harness connector.
Q: What is the proper way to install the upper intake manifold sight shield?
The proper way is to install the Intake Manifold sight shield and the intake manifold sight shield screws.