You need to raise and suitably support the vehicle, place a drain pan under the transmission oil pan, remove the oil pan drain plug, allow the transmission fluid to drain completely, apply a small amount of sealant GM P/N 12346004 (Canadian P/N 10953480), or equivalent to the treads of the drain plug, install the oil pan drain plug, remove the drain pan from under the transmission oil pan, support the transmission, remove the transmission mount nuts, remove the transmission support bolts and nuts, the transmission support side bracket bolts and bracket and the transmission support, disconnect the range selector cable end from the transmission range selector lever ball stud, remove selector cable, remove the transmission range selector cable bracket bolts and bracket from the transmission, the oil pan bolts, the magnet from the bottom of the pan, the oil filter and the filter neck seal, and clean the transmission case and the oil pan gasket surfaces.
By BobGM Specialist