Notes: with Hydro-Boost;In-Line filter available;Hydro-Boost Pump has 1 Pressure Line & 2 Return Lines;For warranty purposes it is recommended to always install a filter and to use suggested OE Fluid and flush the system;Supplied w/Reservoir
Attribute: With Reservoir
Hose Port: O-Ring
Housing Material: Cast Iron
Import or Domestic: Domestic
Mounting Hardware: Without
Power Steering Reservoir Cap: Without
Pulley: Without
Pulley Attachment Type: Press-on
Pump Inlet Attachment Type: Hose Barb
Pump Outlet Attachment Type: Threaded
Thread Size: M16 x 1.5
Part Description: Remanufactured Power Steering Pump w/Reservoir
Notes: For warranty purposes it is recommended to always install a filter and to use suggested OE Fluid and flush the system;In-Line filter available;Supplied w/o Reservoir
Aftermarket Filtration: Without
Hose Port: O-Ring
Housing Material: Cast Iron
Import or Domestic: Domestic
Mounting Hardware: Without
Power Steering Reservoir Cap: Without
Pulley: Without
Pulley Attachment Type: Press-on
Pump Inlet Attachment Type: Hose Barb
Pump Outlet Attachment Type: Threaded
Reservoir: Without
Thread Size: M16 x 1.5
Part Description: Remanufactured Power Steering Pump w/o Reservoir