FAQ for Parking Brake Cable Repair
Q: What is the removal procedure for the park brake cable equalizer?
You can release the parking brake and disconnect the equalizer.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: How to install the parking brake cable?
You can install the intermediate cable to the vehicle, connect the intermediate cable to the front cable, connect the intermediate cable to the rear park brake cable, install the rear park brake cables to the equalizer, install the equalizer and the nut to the threaded end of the intermediate cable, remove the safety stands and lower the vehicle, and adjust the park brake system.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the recommended bolt torque for the park brake cable bolt
The recommended bolt torque is 25 N.m (18 lb-ft).
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the recommended bolt torque for the park brake cable bolt?
The recommended bolt torque is 25 N.m (18 lb-ft).
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the service and repair procedure for the parking brake cable?
You can raise and support the vehicle, hold the pedal in the FULL upward position, pull rearward on the front park brake cable, insert a scribe or the shaft of a thin screwdriver on an upward angle through the hole in the front of the pedal assembly, past the retracted pedal drum, and into the hole in the back of the pedal assembly, slowly release the cable, and remove the component that requires service.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the recommended bolt torque for the parking brake cable?
The recommended bolt torque is 3.5 N.m (31 lb in).
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the removal procedure for the park brake cable Mounting bracket?
The procedure is to Install the cable support bracket, the cable support bracket nuts, and the rear cables, and lower the vehicle.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What should I pay attention to about the parking brake cable?
Dealers should confirm vehicle eligibility through GMVIS (GM Vehicle Inquiry System) before beginning recall repairs. Not all vehicles within the above breakpoints may be involved.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What should I pay attention to when servicing the parking brake cable?
Dealers should confirm vehicle eligibility through GMVIS (GM Vehicle Inquiry System) before beginning recall repairs. Not all vehicles within the above breakpoints may be involved.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the recommended bolt torque for the park brake cable guide bolt?
The recommended bolt torque is 12 N.m (106 lb in).
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 See more FAQs (8)