Notes: with OE # 5604 0321AA-AD;Vehicle specific Flash programming req'd ON or OFF the vehicle.Accurate VIN & mileage are req'd. Additional vehicle specific on-car programming must be performed AFTER installation to prevent drivability & starting issues.
Notes: with OE # 5604 0325AD;with Federal Emission System;Vehicle specific Flash programming Reqd ON or OFF the vehicle.Accurate VIN & mileage are req'd
Notes: with OE # 5604 0321AE;Vehicle specific Flash programming req'd ON or OFF the vehicle.Accurate VIN & mileage are req'd. Additional vehicle specific on-car programming must be performed AFTER installation to prevent drivability & starting issues.
Notes: with Federal Emission System;with OE # 5604 0325AA-AC;Vehicle specific Flash programming Reqd ON or OFF the vehicle.Accurate VIN & mileage are req'd