FAQ for Air Bag Sensor Repair
Q: What should be done before removing the inflatable restraint steering wheel module?
You will need to disable the SIR system.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What should be done before the deployment procedures?
You can turn the ignition switch to the OFF position.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What should be noticed when you intend to deploy the inflator module?
You will need to notify all the people in the immediate area that you intend to deploy the inflator module in that the rapid gas expansion involved with deploying an airbag is very loud. When the airbag deploys, the SIR deployment fixture may jump vertically. This is a normal reaction of the inflator module to the force of the rapid gas expansion inside the airbag.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What should be known about handling a deployed inflator module?
After the inflator module has been deployed, the surface of the airbag may contain a powdery residue. This powder consists primarily of cornstarch (used to lubricate the bag as it inflates), and by-products of the chemical reaction. The deployment reaction produces sodium hydroxide dust (similar to lye soap). The sodium hydroxide quickly reacts with the atmospheric moisture. This atmospheric moisture converts the sodium hydroxide into sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Therefore, you will probably find no sodium hydroxide present after the deployment. Gloves and safety glasses are recommended to prevent possible irritation of the skin or eyes.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What's the proper way to install the inflatable restraint steering wheel module?
The proper way is to connect the SIR electrical connector, connect the connector position assurance (CPA) retainer to the SIR connector, connect the SIR lead wire to the clip on the steering wheel, connect the SIR lead wire to the clip on the inflator module, press the inflator module into the steering wheel firmly enough that the module engages and latches the notched pins in the leaf springs, rotate the steering wheel back into the straight position then enable the SIR system.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How to avoid a fire or personal injury after an airbag deploys when the metal surfaces of the inflator module are very hot?
You should allow sufficient time for cooling before touching any metal surface of the inflator module, and shouldn't place the deployed inflator module near any flammable objects.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do you remove the inflatable restraint instrument panel module?
You can disable the SIR system, remove the passenger knee bolster, remove the Connector Position Assurance (CPA) retainer from the inflatable restraint IP module harness connector, disconnect the inflatable restraint IP module connector, remove the clip that retains the inflatable restraint IP module harness to the instrument panel, remove the two bolts that retain the inflatable restraint IP module to the instrument panel carrier, then push out from the back side to remove the inflatable restraint IP module from the instrument panel.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What's the recommended torque for the two bolts that retain the inflatable restraint IP module to the instrument panel carrier?
The recommended torque is 9 N.m (80 lb in).
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What should be done when you are deploying an inflator module for disposal?
You will need to perform the deployment procedures in the order listed.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: When should not I deploy an airbag?
You shouldn't deploy an airbag after the replacement of an inflator module under warranty. The module may need to be returned undeployed to the original manufacturer of the inflator module. Or if the vehicle is the subject of a Product Liability report related to the SIR system and is subject to a Preliminary Investigation (GM-1241), or if the vehicle is involved in a campaign affecting the inflator modules.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 See more FAQs (12)