FAQ for Hvac Control Module Repair
Q: What should we know about air delivery improperly?
You should ensure that the cable loop connects to the actuator, ensure that the cable sheath is retained, remove the instrument panel storage compartment, and observe the action of the control cable.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I remove the control assembly?
You should remove the bezel-IP cluster, the radio, and the heater control assembly and disconnect the temperature and mode cables and the electrical connection and remove the control head.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I install the control assembly?
You should connect the electrical connection to the control head and connect the temperature and mode cables to the back of the control head and install the control head to the I/P carrier until a snap is heard and install the radio and the bezel-I/P cluster.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I install the control assembly-front auxiliary A/C?
You should install the control assembly to the overhead console, connect the electrical harness to the control assembly, install the overhead console and test the circuit operation.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I remove the control assembly bulb?
You should remove the heater control assembly, the lamp bulb, and the socket and the lamp bulb, inspect the control assembly lamp bulb socket for corrosion and damage and inspect the wires for damage and secure the connection to the lamp bulb socket.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I install the control assembly---auxiliary (4-door)?
You should connect the electrical harness to the control assembly, install the control assembly to the roof panel and install the bezel and test the circuit operation.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I install the control assembly bulb?
You should install the new lamp bulb, push the lamp bulb straight into the socket, install the lamp bulb and the socket and the heater control assembly and perform the heater function test.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I install the center overhead?
You should connect the electrical connectors, install the control assembly to the roof panel, install the bezel and verify the circuit operation.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I remove the control assembly---auxiliary (4-door)?
You should remove the bezel, remove the control assembly from the roof panel and disconnect the electrical harness from the control assembly.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do I remove the center overhead?
You should remove the bezel, remove the control assembly from the roof panel and disconnect the electrical connectors.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 See more FAQs (7)