Notes: with OE # 16196395;Additional relearns (theft, crankshaft, idle, etc) may be required;The PROM(s)/CALPACK must be transferred from the original module to the replacement module
Notes: The PROM(s)/CALPACK must be transferred from the original module to the replacement module;with OE # 16168505;Additional relearns (theft, crankshaft, idle, etc) may be required
Notes: Additional relearns (theft, crankshaft, idle, etc) may be required;The PROM(s)/CALPACK must be transferred from the original module to the replacement module;with OE # 16199982
Notes: with OE # 16193495;Knock Module must be removed from original PCM and installed in replacement PCM;Vehicle specific Flash programming req'd ON or OFF the vehicle.Accurate VIN & mileage are req'd. Additional vehicle specific on-car programming must be performed AFTER installation to prevent drivability & starting issues.